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Support Local Journalism

Support Local Journalism

This is #newsCOneeds. Thank you to all who helped us reach our goal in Colorado Media Project’s end-of-year Matching Grant.

Please join a growing movement to support people-powered local news with your sustaining support. When you sign up at just $10/month, you get YS delivered to your home every month. 

Sign up below with our secure check-out.

The world has changed over the last 40 years for journalism. In the 1970s, there were hundreds of independent news outlets. Then came the 80s and deregulation. Today, Comcast, Disney, AT&T, Paramount, Sony, and Fox control 90% of what we see or hear in the media. That includes movies, music, and news.

Add to that, digital has created a sea of confusion with online advertising, which is often far less effective than brands think. Over 40% of people have adblockers, and of those that do not, 85% have what is called “banner blindness.” Studies show we retain 7x more information from paper over the screen, and we trust what we see online at a fraction of what we read on paper. This is not to say businesses shouldn’t have a digital presence. It’s just key to recognize it does very little to influence the brand’s image and, for that matter, drive traffic to your website. https://financesonline.com/print-marketing-statistics

Between the rise of digital, corporatization of media-owned platforms, global pandemics, and of course, inflation, local media has to reinvent itself. At Yellow Scene Magazine, we are not dropping our monthly print publication. It has the power to reach the local community more effectively than all the social media in the world. But we are changing. We have a robust online news platform for breaking stories, launched our Sponsor A Journalist Program for residents and business owners, offer award-winning design and marketing services, and are creating a new mentorship program for underserved and formerly incarcerated individuals.

Our ink also remains free. In our 23-year history, YS has never once sold our journalism out. The great wall remains between the advertising and the editorial side. But it is not free to produce.

Your monthly donation — whether it’s $10, $50, $100, or $1000— does more than just support local media and journalism. It gives you back the power of what you see in your news feed: the truth.

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(We do not sell or use your information to add to a list. For those who would rather donate through Paypal our contact is Yellow Scene Magazine @shavonneblades1 or you can mail a check to Yellow Scene Magazine, PO Box 964, Erie CO 80516)

Your monthly support helps YS accomplish the following:

  • Employ additional local writers to increase editorial coverage of impactful and relevant stories impacting our community ($400-$1000/mo)
  • Regular beat reporter to help us keep you in the loop  ($3,500/mo)
  • Requesting documents via CORA (Open Records Act) for investigative reporting (typically $300-$1000 or more, it’s not cheap to do investigative journalism)
  • Replacing our 2008-2012 computers and upgrading our office supplies
  • Sustaining Press Memberships ($2000/annually)
  • Continue to be your local voice to represent the community, not a corporate news feed

A word from our Editor, Austin Clinkenbeard